

higher-ups gather to discuss "pharmaceutical " affairs! wuxi autumn biomedical forum

release date:2022-10-08


wuxi biomedical autumn special forum

empowering heartful wishes·enjoying the future with intelligence·

riding the light up

on september 26, wuxi biopharmaceutics industry association held an autumn special forum and salon in hualan npm.

the speech focused on the new trend of new technology and new business, widely invited academic magnates & industry higher-ups, and presented an annual industry feast combining management, culture and technology to all guests on site!

empowering heartful wishes

before commencement of the special forum, hualan npm, as the supporting unit of this activity, mr. hua guoping, the founder, led the association members and attending guests to vist hualan's plant area. the relevant responsible persons of production department hall, technical lab, qc lab, water preparation workshop, raw material wwarehouse, mold workshop, finished product warehouse, vulcanization workshop and intelligent workshop gave a detailed introduction. with close observation & feel, face-to-face first-line experience, it enables everyone to fully understand hualan npm.

hualan people always pursue the collision of wisdom & technology with an international vision, engrave the concept of high-quality products in every transcendence, and adhere to a high sense of responsibility & mission at all times. put forward new challenges to refinement, delicacy and top quality.

enjoying the future with intelligence

setting tide by innovation             opening a new chapter with development

the strongest wisdom is the wisdom of all   the greatest force is the resultant force

dr. xu xuejian, looking at the road to innovative medicine from the east & the west

senior vice president and chief quality officer of wuxi biologics (cayman) inc.

dr. xu began to analyze the national characteristics of the east & the west, and discussed how to look forward to the wind & trend of the industry for internationally renowned pharmaceutical enterprises in the century under the background of differences in domestic & international markets. on the platform, he put forward the core view that quality & pharmaceutical enterprises can survive together, and reviewed that most global pharmaceutical companies have strong & perfect quality systems; once the quality is challenged, pharmaceutical enterprises are usually acquired or even phased out. in the future, the development of the industry will be further guided by clinical needs, driven by source innovation, dominated by big domestic circulation, and taken as engine by domestic & foreign double circulation,bench-marking the first innovative drugs, aiming at the global market and promoting the prosperity of the industry.

dr. zhu yinhua  innovation and industrialization of injection packaging materials

vice general manager of technical r & d of hualan npm

dr. zhu introduced development trend of injection packaging materials, focusing on the related development trend of elastomer seals. and meanwhile, he said that hualan would deeply explore & research its main business. we should not only achieve major breakthroughs in forward-looking basic research & leading original achievements, consolidate the foundation of scientific & technological innovation, but also increase the strength of applied basic research. hualan will take innovation driven development as the main engine to realize transformation of three major achievements: 1. build the first production line of next-generation elastomer seals for biomedicine with international advanced level; 2. promote the development of medical packaging materials in china towards efficient, green and energy-saving applications; 3. achieve the established economic benefit objectives.

dr. liu wen'an

sharing digital hualan lighthouse factory assumption

chief expert huawei china government enterprise consulting department & director of intelligent manufacturing solutions

dr. liu said that huawei's team would extend the professional leverage indefinitely and embed wisdom in every corner of hualan. use the most advanced industrial internet and big data technology, take data as the production factor, "armedly" upgrade automation workshops, comprehensively improve productivity, use wisdom to drive industrial change, and use technology to drive further development. in the specific implementation, through the development of a series of smart application solutions, build an advanced technology platform, introduce the management method of process organization it integration, solve the core business problems of hualan, cultivate "golden seed" team of the enterprise, realize the handover of the management team from new to old one, and support the sustainable development of the enterprise.

xu chongyuan innovation and development in the internal and external challenges

a leader of wuxi municipal science and technology bureau

xu chongyuan, a leader of wuxi municipal science and technology bureau and chief expert of wuxi biomedical industry association, also shared thoughts on industry innovation and development. innovation is a systematic project. the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and policy chain are interwoven and mutually supported. only by deploying the innovation chain around the industrial chain and laying out the industrial chain around the innovation chain can we make greater progress in promoting high-quality economic development. we should make great efforts in key areas and places where we are stuck, gather elite forces, make strategic arrangements, take the promotion of major scientific and technological projects as the starting point, get through the "last kilometer", speed up the transformation of scientific research achievements from samples to products to commodities, and create more competitive advantages!

riding the light up

the wheel of the times keeps on, the industry is changing constantly, and the deep adjustment of the biomedical industry is both a adversity and a new situation. a city is a concentration of intangible emotions, but also a forming of cultural tacit. we should develop in parallel with the times, run forward with wuxi, listen to the solution of the problem, and see development with insight; lead the times with professionalism. under the restructuring of the industry, we embrace change, forge ahead and rush up in a determined direction; the mission must be achieved, and this is the time to make strenuous efforts to advance!

we will move forward side by side on the road of common development and fight shoulder by shoulder under the guidance of the same spiritual symbol!

making dialogue on urban connotation with sincerity,

gathering centripetal force with the best heart,

creating excellent quality with the wisdom of innovation,

and opening up the future of the industry with perfect wish,

this is a journey belonging to hualan

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