hualan npm is awarded the honor of class a taxpayer-8181801威尼斯


hualan npm is awarded the honor of class a taxpayer

release date:2014-12-24

in october 2014, wuxi national taxation bureau and local taxation bureau comprehensively assessed the tax registration, tax declaration, account books and voucher management, etc of hualan npm in accordance with pilot scheme of tax payment credit rank evaluation and management and finally evaluated hualan npm as the class a taxpayer.

the enterprise tax payment credit rank is divided into a, b, c and d four classes and a is the highest class. being awarded with class a taxpayer means the company abides by laws on tax collection, administrative laws and regulations, accepts the management of the tax authority in accordance with laws on tax collection and administrative laws and regulations, pays taxes according to law and operates sincerely

this honor is full recognition of good tax payment credit and outstanding contributions of hualan npm. the company will continue to set good example of paying taxes according to law and make a new contribution to local economic and social development.

