in may, it is a time full of vigor and vitality, we celebrated the sweat of the labourers, remembered the boiling history of youth, enjoyed the warm love of mother; in may, it is a time for us to be diligent and it is a time of maturity. in order to display the personality of hualan’s people better, highlight the beautiful points, promote the standardization of office management in various departments, and create a strong and positive working atmosphere, hualan developed the theme activities of “finding the most beautiful desk, only to meet better you” on may 17. in the process, employees use spare time to clean the desk actively, organize files and placement, also decorate desk with green plant, competition is very fierce. finally, through the vote of all staff, it produced one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes in the competition.
through this activity, we feel the benefits of clean and beautiful desk. when the desk is clean, the people also spirit, find the file convenient, the efficiency of work also improves. in the future, they will keep own desk clean and tidy every day, at the same time, they will make the whole office neat and clean too!
the first prize winner’s desk
the second prize winner’s desk
the second prize winner’s desk
the third prize winner’s desk
the third prize winner’s desk